Archive for September, 2009


Posted in Uncategorized on September 25, 2009 by rovingpartymachine


There seems to be some confusion about RPM, a little clarity might be necessary. A little basic who-what-where-when-how perhaps? As a dear dear friend recently pointed out, “this thing is barely English”.


WHO: RPM is Roving Party Machine (aka Rover P Machinery on Facebook cause it likes to be a little elusive).

WHAT: RPM is a mobile hot dog cart which provides an array of novelty items served with some element of theatricality depending on the context/event. Basically.

WHERE: Check the “Acting Out” page

WHEN: Ditto

HOW: caffeine, sugar, all-nighters, and you inviting RPM to come to your things.

HOW IT GOES DOWN: In the “After Acting Out” section

RPM’s Current Fanbase

Posted in Uncategorized on September 22, 2009 by rovingpartymachine


Desperately Seeking Slushee…

Posted in Uncategorized on September 21, 2009 by rovingpartymachine

I saw you sittin’ idle at my neighborhood dep the other day…I kept giving you the eye but i think you were playing coy. Was it just me or did we have a connection?


Desperately Seeking Slushee Update:

Mr. Mousse is not our man. “He “brings the party”. He “does not rent the party for others to bring.”

Welcome to RPM

Posted in Uncategorized on September 19, 2009 by rovingpartymachine

Roving Party Machine is a Party Ox

Teetering delicately on the cusp of Leo/Virgo this charmer is playful, cocky, if slightly naive; a flashy front masking an underbelly of over analytical, theoretical, fanatical, stress out-freak out.

A 12 year old adolescent strung out on neon glowing slushees but add Divine’s maniacal gross out giggles, fast food plasticity, and touch of oldie timey Coney Island.

RPM adamantly coddles the cockles of pop music, vapid culture, excessive overindulgence, eager earnest sentimentality, posturing as a fake out, psyche out, bringing it on, taking it on, adding it on, no holds barred. RPM can be creepy kid friendly, an anglophone asshole, an unassuming norm, an overzealous server, a tell-all spill-all gossip queen.

Yeah, name drop queer-space-class-feminist-art-social theory all you want -RPM will if you make it- but sometimes a dude just wants a Steamie and by god, that dude should be able to have one! Don’t judge or you might get a whip cream whopping and a solo Pogo crammed down your gullet.